CBS News

Christian Brothers Services to sponsor, exhibit at National Association of Church Personnel Administrators Convocation

Romeoville, Illinois, April 10, 2024—Christian Brothers Services (CBS) is serving as a platinum sponsor and exhibitor at the 53rd National Association of Church Personnel Administrators (NACPA) Convocation from April 14-16 in Kansas City, Missouri.

BMT Management & Financial Consultants, a division of CBS, and a premier provider of consulting services to faith-based organizations, is also attending as an exhibitor. Representing CBS will be Matt Dent, Senior Relationship Manager, and Dawn Reese, Southeast Relationship Manager. Representing BMT will be Lorraine Golio, Director, HR Services, and Andrea Nicotra, Senior HR Consultant.

This year’s convocation is titled “Getting to the Heart of the Matter, Church HR in the Heartland of the U.S.” and will showcase experts presenting sessions on the distinct world of Human Resources (HR) within the Catholic Church. During the three-day meeting, delegates attend a spirited Opening Ceremony, uplifting prayer services, and networking opportunities.

As a platinum sponsor of the convocation, CBS will introduce one of the event’s keynote speakers, Deacon Larry Oney, a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of New Orleans and president of Hope and Purpose Ministries, which focuses on the new evangelization through media initiatives.

NACPA represents around 120–140 different arch/dioceses, religious communities, and parishes around the nation, promoting leadership in human resources, finance, and administration that models Gospel values, promoting justice in the workplace. NACPA's annual convocation allows members to learn from experts in HR and the world of HR in the Church; from those who have succeeded in creating a better and more prosperous environment, through the field of HR, within their communities.

Attendees interested in the latest collaborative and cost-effective CBS and BMT programs and services are encouraged to visit CBS and BMT representatives in the exhibitor’s area at the convocation.


About Christian Brothers Services
Founded in 1960 and headquartered in Romeoville, Illinois, Christian Brothers Services is a nonprofit, Catholic organization that administers cooperative programs in the areas of health, retirement, property/casualty, and technology as well as financial, administrative and Catholic school consulting to church congregations, organizations and dioceses internationally.

About Catholic School Management
Founded in 1973, NCEA Financial Consulting Services focused exclusively on finance and development consulting services for Catholic school and diocesan administrators. In 1979 demand for a broader scope of services resulted in the creation of Catholic School Management (CSM). In 2014, Christian Brothers Services acquired CSM's growing operations, making CBS the national leader in consultative guidance for Catholic schools. CSM's team of experts represents more than 500 years of experience in the education field with a focus on strategy, planning and leadership.

About BMT
Founded in 1972 and headquartered in Tarrytown, New York, Brenner, McDonagh & Tortolani, Inc., BMT Management and Financial Consultants was acquired by Christian Brothers Services in 2017. Providing premier consulting services to 280 religious institutes and many sponsored ministries in need of assistance, BMT offers the management of daily operations, including accounting and financial management, benefits eligibility management, human resources, investment consulting and real estate planning and sustainability studies.

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