Retiree Information

We are excited to announce our new Northern Trust retiree website, where your can:

  • Change your direct deposit
  • Update your address
  • Change your tax withholding
  • Access your 1099 tax form

We encourage you to create an account with Northern Trust so you can do all the above mentioned, as well as view your monthly payments.

  • To access the website, or to create an account go to
  • Select these instructions to create an account.
  • If you have any problems with the website, please contact Northern
    Trust for assistance at (888) 259-6835.

How do I report a Retiree or Beneficiary Death?

The plan requires that deaths be reported in a timely manner. Please contact our office with the name of the participant or beneficiary, the date of death and your relationship to the deceased by using one of the contact methods listed above.

Please note: A copy of the death certificate is required

How do I request a Pension Income Verification Letter

When you retire, we furnish you with a Benefit Illustration form with a certification page. Please keep this document in a safe place.

From time-to-time, you may be asked to provide proof of pension income verification for housing allowance, energy assistance, banking or other purposes. You may request a letter of income verification from our office by completing the following form (request for income verification). The completed form can be mailed, emailed or faxed to our office.

We will provide you with a letter that confirms:

  • Your name
  • Name of pension plan
  • Effective date of pension
  • Gross monthly pension
  • Statement that you will receive this for life.

Working after Retirement – Contact our office first!

You can receive a monthly retirement and continue to work provided you are not considered an eligible employee in the CBERP. You should contact our office to see if your benefit is impacted.

Returning to work for a Participating Employer: If you are returning to work for a participating employer in the Christian Brothers Employee Retirement Plan, you need to find out the following before contacting our office:

  • Will you be working in a benefit eligible position?
    • Full time or Part time?
    • How many hours per week?
  • Is it a permanent or temporary position?

When returning to work for a participating employer in a pension eligible position, we will inactivate (or suspend) your pension benefit. Your employer will report any pensionable earnings to our office and a final calculation will be made when you subsequently terminate employment and return to retired status.

Note: Special rules apply if at your initial retirement a distribution of employee contributions was elected from the plan. If you have taken a refund of employee contributions, then you must work a new 4 years and 9 months to vest in your 2nd employment period. This provision only relates to your pension benefit, not any benefit you may be receiving as a joint annuitant or beneficiary.

Working for a non-participating employer
Your benefit will not be impacted if you work for a non-participating employer while collecting your pension.

Providing POA or Third Party information

Appointing a Conservator, Guardian or Trustee
To allow your Conservator, Guardian or Trustee to report changes in address, payment direction or tax information, please mail a copy of the conservatorship, guardian or trustee appointment to our office. A copy will remain on file until notified otherwise.

Appointing a Power of Attorney for Financial and Pension business
Your Power of Attorney (POA) document must meet legal requirements and must allow your POA to act on your behalf in matters related to your finances, pension, payment instruction and address.

Send all the required information together. Please make sure the Agents name, address, phone and relationship are clearly listed on the form. For more information, please consult legal advice. The information should be filed with our office by sending the documentation by mail, email, or fax.

Note: Christian Brothers Retirement Solutions will contact you or your representative if additional information is required.

If changes are necessary, we can be reached via:

Phone: 800-807-0700 (follow the prompts for the defined benefit plan)
Fax: 630-378-2507

1205 Windham Pkwy
Romeoville IL 60446-1679