Christian Brothers Services

is a nonprofit organization that administers cooperative programs in the areas of health, retirement, property/casualty, technology, school management and consulting services to Church organizations.

Our Mission

Christian Brothers Services exemplifies the Lasallian tradition by understanding the needs of our members, protecting the human and financial resources of institutions and guiding member organizations in finding practical solutions to business needs.

Our Lasallian connection

At Christian Brothers Services we strive to continue the educational mission Saint John Baptiste De La Salle set forth in the 17th century.

Our History

Founded in 1960 by Brother Joel Damian, FSC, Christian Brothers Services began as a mutual cooperative purchasing group for Chicago area high schools conducted by the De La Salle Christian Brothers.

Our Nonprofit status

Our non-profit mission funds Christian Brothers Conference, a national agency providing formation, training and support for Lasallian schools and ministries, which serves more than 70,000 students in elementary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions in the United States and Canada.

Our success

We work to exemplify the Lasallian tradition
by understanding the needs of our members,
protecting human & financial resources
& guiding member organizations with practical solutions.


7 Divisions managing,
7 trusts


Over 4,500 organizations


Over 190,000 lives covered and served

Resources & Information

Our Services
Our Services

Our mission is to serve the Catholic Church community and other faith-based organizations by responding to their managerial needs. View our full line of services.


View and register for the upcoming webinar schedule or watch one of our many OnDemnad webinars offered by our experts and partners.

Press Release
News Room

Find the latest news and press releases about Christian Brothers Services.

Newsletters & Publications
Newsletters & Publications

Newsletters & publications for Christian Brothers Services' members designed to bring you a streamlined look at the top industry news across all divisions of Christian Brothers Services.

CBS Preferred Vendor Program

The CBS Preferred Vendor Program facilitates relationships between our members and vendors who provide services outside the scope of our direct expertise.

OutReach Magazine

OutReach magazine is the Christian Bothers Services award winning company magazine published twice a year.

Speakers Bureau

Expert speakers in the areas of executive administration, professional development, business continuity planning, health, retirement, risk management services, information technology and more.

Welcome to Christian Brothers Services

Let us serve you, the ones who serve.




Health Providers

©Copyright 2025 Christian Brothers Services